I, Machinery Mar29


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I, Machinery

Album: A1 (EP)
Label: n/a
Tracks: 7
Release Date: 20.01.2012
Length: 26′ 16″


Riff Score: 5.5/10

From the own blood, sweat and tears of the band arises the I, Machinery debut EP ‘A1’ which is a machine gun of polyrhythms, but with a gun that only will be polished though the years yet to come.


Being one of the first 2012 releases in the portuguese metal scene, I, Machinery presents their debut EP “A1”. Totally influenced by the masters Meshuggah, this band is like a fresh air breeze amongst the usual thrash and groove bands which command the portuguese scene. Their djent and mathematical environment are an invigoranting way to possibly bait a new movement in Portugal. So, I can say in advance that I, Machinery do not add anything new to the genre itself, but their effort is huge to renovate the metal action in the country.

This kind of genre is very very square and leaves no big space to create something really new, it’s almost impossible to jump the barriers. Without wanting to abash these bands, and especially this one I’m reviewing, they just limit to copy what the innovators have achieved around twenty years ago.

By listening to this “A1” EP I found that square limitation. At my first listening I did not truly discern the different songs – you have to pay attention, you have to open your ears. “A1” is surrounded by a wall of technical/mathematical soundscapes – of course it needs practice, it needs a very well trained brain connected to the also very well taught wrist to follow the several polyrhythms, but after all is what this genre means. In other hand, the band did not forget the melodic passages: they are very hypnotic, but with a sense of repetition according to what was done in the previous songs of the EP. I also think these passages could be more atmospheric and could represent a wall of sound which would transform the room in a sphere of spacial imagery.

However, don’t get negatively what I said in the previous paragraph, I just showed what I’ve listened, but I must praise I, Machinery for the effort. The great technicians don’t only appear through megalomaniac riffs and fast fingers which swim along the chords. The mathematical and polyrhythm side also show the greatness of musicians and, as I said before, this portuguese band has wadding to bear their flag.

I also must praise their sense of fight and conquering, because everything was done by their own sweat, blood and tears: every song was written by I, Machinery and the “A1” EP was recorded, mixed and mastered by Tiago Sousa who is a band member. This proves that when the men dream, the men can create.

Don’t interpret the given score as a bad thing, but interpret it as a motivation to carry on with heads up and to evolve to something great in the future that comes. It’s not an easy metal genre to create and to enjoy, it needs experience, accuracy and strenght. I think I, Machinery can do it.

“A1” is their genesis, the months or years that are yet to come will be their consumption, the hard work shall be their multiplication and for the sake of metal may their death awaits for centuries in the depths of the world.


Track List

01 Lomani
02 Tumatauenga
03 Vivisection
04 Caaba
05 Abaddon
06 Murphy
07 Human Condition